Behavior Health Case Management Supervisor
Case management streamlines your adaptive processes by taking the best of all these worlds. It allows you to easily keep track of all the processes that must be carried out for each case. It utilizes the principles of project management to help companies adhere to budgets, meet deadlines, and manage their obligations.
This course consist of a 50 hours, 9-Modules,-5-Labs, followed by a state board certification process.
This is a classroom setting
Register for this class through this web-site -under Blog/Contact Page
National Certified Peer Specialist
Certification Requirements
3,000 hours of supervised work and/or volunteer experience providing peer-to-peer recovery support services.
Current state certification with a minimum training requirement of 40 hours OR hold a certificate of completion of a MHA approved training program.
One professional letter of recommendation for certification.
One supervisory letter of recommendation for certification.
Attest to lived experience.
Pass the NCPS examination.
Agree to be bound by NCPS Code of Ethics.
(FBC) Child Welfare Certification
Examines child abuse and neglect and why prevention of child maltreatment is important because it can be avoided and because abuse and neglect can lead to negative consequences such as depression, developmental delays, and risk of developing substance abuse during adulthood.
Certified Addiction Counselor
The CAP is a professional credential for people who provide services to individuals with substance use conditions.
The CAP designates competency in the domains of Clinical Evaluation; Treatment Planning; Counseling; Case Management and Referral; Client, Family and Community Education; Documentation; and Professional Responsibility.
Individuals holding the CAP are a qualified professional under Chapter 397, Florida Statutes and the CAP credential is recognized for billable services under Florida’s State Medicaid Plan.
All CAP applicants or certified professionals are eligible to apply for the IC&RC Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ADC) credential.
CAP applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher in a related field. Related fields are listed in the CAP Standards and Requirements Tables. If your degree isn’t specifically listed as a related degree but you think your coursework makes your degree equivalent, you may request a Related Degree Equivalency Review. Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC) Requirements
An individual may achieve CAC status with a high school diploma or GED ( The FCB describes the CAC as an “intermediate credential” and notes that is potentially reciprocal. Some additional requirements are imposed.
Addictions Education: A candidate seeking the Florida CAC must have at least 250 hours of training relevant to the job role. Education must include at least 60 hours each in 1) understanding addictions and treatment and 2) professional readiness/ application to practice. The certification board notes that a candidate seeking international certification will need an additional ten hours in each of these two domains. Professional readiness curriculum must include two hours of domestic violence training and four hours of HIV/AIDS, regardless.
The other 130 hours must be distributed in the following manner:
Clinical evaluation – 25
Treatment planning – 15
Case management/ referral – 10
Counseling – 30
Documentation – 10
Client/ family/ community education – 10
Professional and ethical responsibilities – 30
Experience: The experience requirement is 6,000 hours for a trainee with education at the high school level, 4,000 for one with an associate or vocational degree. The supervision requirement is 300 hours for a non-degreed trainee, 150 hours for one with a degree.
Examination: Candidates must pass the Florida Certified Addiction Counselor Exam. Those who seek the IC&RC credential must also pass the IC&RC examination.
Certification of Completion Youth Peer Services Class
Youth peer services offer a unique opportunity to support youth and young adults in transition to adulthood by collaborating across child and adult systems. This webinar-based course addresses the positive impact of youth peer services and how to best integrate these services across individuals, organizations, and systems. One and one-half (1.5) hours of continuing education credits or hours are provided with successful course completion.
This is a 9-hour class.
Please request additional information through the blog/Contact Page of this web-site.
Certification of Completion Child Welfare Class.
This class consist of a 9-hour class. This class will give you the basic studies of recognizing the signs, and the proper procedures of child welfare.
Please request additional information through the blog/Contact Page of this web-site.
Certification of Completion Addiction Class
This class consist of 9-hours- certificate of completion. Get the Basic information needed to be able to identify crisis situation.
This class is giving in a 2-day session. If interested
Please request additional information through the blog/Contact Page of this web-site.
Never Give Up On Education
It is a obligation to learn everything you need to know about the job you are performing.
Rhonda Lowe, FBCP
Don't Be left Behind on Knowledge
BBA is here to serve your needs of learning, so you can serve the needs of your clients
Have Fun While Learning
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All courses require registration fee, and application fee